Exit, pursued by a robin

It is with great pride that I announce the reception of 7mm of rain since we last corresponded! New flowers opened overnight – suddenly the woodshed is garnished with a heavy fringe of wisteria.  Eliot’s lilacs are blooming; both the white and the dark mauve,...

Walking with sheep

As I zig-zag behind the scattered sheep, to group them into a flock, steer them my desired way, I wonder – is this really a sensible activity for an untrained human? One person and his dog would take minutes to get the sheep from where they are to where they are...

Beware the icy saints

My winter love affair has come to an abrupt end.  The reason is the unseasonable heat.  Here we are, in the last week of March and afternoon temperatures are in the mid-twenties centigrade.  Not even the most besotted cook is going to keep her beloved wood-fired range...

Spring is nearly sprung

The signs of spring continue to multiply.  The latest are the cowslips, very pale yellow and curiously short stemmed.  Of course the grass, against which they would normally have to compete, is short also.  Alas, and alack, lack of rain is mostly responsible.  It...

All things bright…

Here follows a determined attempt at optimism, cheerfulness, a positive view of the present and the immediate future.  I won’t commit further than the immediate future because that would be asking too much, of me and of the future. Firstly, it appears that I...