Rain, rain go away

Nasr, our Omani gardener did not believe in rain.  Rain in his view was capricious, perhaps not even nourishing for his precious periwinkles.  He preferred to rely on the heavily saline mains water for our small garden in Bahrain. The important point is, of course,...

The Emperor and the Ants

The Tau Emperor struggled to be born.  He flapped his four wings furiously, firstly to dry them, secondly to get out from under the twig that had fallen over his cocoon sometime during his long, winter pupa state.  Gradually he succeeded; his wings took on the sheen...

Of ducks, snakes, frog fish and death

Have you ever seen a duckling eat a snake? I ask because I have just seen a snake slide into the duck pond where, next year, I hope to re-install ducks.  One of the last lot of ducklings we had did actually ingest – it is the only appropriate word – a snake as I was...

Water, water everywhere

So, hooray! April’s sweet showers arrived in a great, intermittent downpour – 17 cm of water in the last 13 days according to my neighbour in the valley.  The tarmac road that meanders along the hill crest from the Dronne river valley to that of the Isle is...
Why I kiss the Mayor

Why I kiss the Mayor

It may have escaped your attention, especially if you do not live in France, but this coming Sunday is the first round in the French Presidential elections.  It is the first time in all our 30 plus years here that we are dismayed by both candidates.  The incumbent...