Of cherries, roses and hailstones

Of cherries, roses and hailstones

Counting sheep has been abandoned as sleep inducement.  I have replaced it by self-hypnosis and deep breathing….flat on your back, start by relaxing the toes, go up the leg, etc. etc.  This sometimes works.  Counting sheep now just reminds me of things I have...

The Country Mouse Travels

If one has to travel – and travel is supposed to broaden the mind which is universally considered a Good Thing – then by air it is probably best to go from small airport to small airport.  Smaller hordes, nicer officials, seem to be the rule. So, on the way to...

Seeking support from a stick

Today, Sunday 10th June 2012, I made a decision, a serious one to which I propose solemnly to stick.  Oh, dear!  Unexploded pun there.  The decision is that I will never, ever go mushroom hunting again without a stick.  Why? Well, because I found myself three-quarters...

Swimming with insects

Last Saturday, the day before Mother’s day in France (hint) the air temperature reached at least 31 C at mid-day and the pool temperature – according to the pool duck – was 27 C.  So I decide to give myself a pre-Mother’s day treat and go for a swim. This...

Of man management and mobiles

It is said that French people are the most hypochondriac of all Europeans.  Locally I often see individuals, not necessarily old people, staggering from the pharmacy with at least two plastic bags of medicines.  Some say this is due to the over-rich French diet (all...