Arnold is no longer simply ‘the wonderful Arnold’ but ‘the wonderful, eagle-eyed Arnold’. Amongst all the leafless trees around, he spotted an oak that was dead, dangerously dead. Of course, sod’s law – la loi de l’emmerdement...
Since last week I have been brooding about Ahmed, the fork-tongued, pointy shoed, fast talking, self-declared roofing expert. Or rather I have been brooding over the almost impossible task of selecting excellent, reliable artisans. One way is simply to pick up a card...
What do rain and mothers have in common? Simple: whatever either does, someone, somewhere will say it is wrong. A deluge came last week. It was mostly very welcome after the summer drought. But, of course, some of the rain got into the wrong places. Only a little...
Integration is not all about accepting local hunting and eating habits. It can also mean involvement in local cultural happenings, however scary. The incomer will be secure in the knowledge that he or she will be seen to be part of the community, not least by the...
The first thing one does when preparing to leave Paradise (aka La Chaise) for a holiday is to make lists. Lists of things to be done before leaving, of things other people should do, lists of things to be packed, lists of things to be put away. So, the Saturday...