First read the manual

Christmas at La Chaise was mild chaos.  We managed to sit out on the terrace in bright sun for pre-lunch drinks twice.  The temperature was in double figures, low but double nevertheless.  The Rayburn behaved itself, even getting a little too hot at times.  But the...

The robots are coming to the country!

Our annus horribilis is proceeding to its close, perhaps earlier than expected if the ancient Mayans did their maths right, but probably not without a nasty surprise or two.  To start with, the ‘fridge to the left of the Rayburn is making strange noises.  The...

Return of the Venturers

On our way back to La Chaise, we decided to go off the motorway near Figueras (just a few kilometres on the Spanish side of the border) to look for a very famous vineyard in that region.  Mistake, big mistake.  Not only was the vineyard not where the wine merchant,...

Absence, Love, Real Life.

This last ten days I have taken leave of absence from La Chaise.  Of course, as a control freak, I could not go without leaving many, many written instructions.  I don’t know why I bother to bother my little blonde head with these instructions.  Arnold knows...

Legal realities

Drama in Perigueux’s courtroom! A woodland proprietor was claiming damages, with interest, from her neighbour who had carelessly allowed his bonfire to damage her trees.  Claim: her financial loss was otherwise irreparable.  (Yes, the price of wood has recently...