A collective sigh of relief rose up in the Dordogne over the last ten days – the cèpes had come after all! Prolonged cold, wet weather had worked on everyone’s spirits. Doom mongers predicted that if no warm weather came soon, there would be no cèpes. ...
A collective sigh of relief rose up in the Dordogne over the last ten days – the cèpes had come after all! Prolonged cold, wet weather had worked on everyone’s spirits. Doom mongers predicted that if no warm weather came soon, there would be no cèpes. ...
There was a time when I was afraid of dogs; even now I am not a fan of Alsatians. Once I was dubious about sheep but soon noticed that I was taller than they were. I am still far from enthusiastic about cows and decidedly afraid of horses that are not safely the...
People are so ungrateful: the weather got so hot we could barely breathe and spent a lot of time moving fans from A to B or floating in the pool. Then (of course) the weather broke with attendant thunder, lightning and a brief but hard downpour. The gods laughed and...
Chickens are back at La Chaise! There are four hens and a cock, two young black hens, a slightly larger cockerel and two red ‘granny’ hens to keep everyone in order. Also to lay eggs. I don’t know how long it is since we have had hens, perhaps not...