On the equality of plants

On the equality of plants

The Lady of La Chaise is in a panic.  Audrey and Alexandre, along with Charlie and (H)aska the dog have gone away and left her.   Admittedly The Lady has not been left for long, only four days.  But she has been left in charge of the vegetable garden. The tomato...
Rain making rituals and fowl mysteries

Rain making rituals and fowl mysteries

Sheer desperation is supposed to stimulate imagination, out of the box solutions – and so on.  The temperatures were getting hotter, the grass browner, the heavy crop of fruit on the trees was not swelling into ripeness. Then Alexandre had an attack of...
Birds come, birds go

Birds come, birds go

We feel very proud of ourselves at La Chaise.  A third brood of swallows have hatched, and flown.  Their parents built them a new nest, pre-used homes obviously not appropriate for this late brood. Always hungry, always crying As always the nest was in...
And another unanswerable animal question…

And another unanswerable animal question…

Why is it that some domesticated animals, those with the escapology gene, can only find their way out?  An escape route seems to be one way.  They never return via the way they left.  Mostly they do not come back. Very small lambs go through a period of getting under...
Drunk on clean air and silence

Drunk on clean air and silence

Nearly three weeks now that Country Mouse has been back in her habitat after a two month stay in London.  Return timed with the onset of long delayed, long wanted rain, missed the May heat-wave that grilled the spring plants.  Modestly declined any responsibility. La...