A little worry left behind

A little worry left behind

As we started packing to leave La Chaise in the tender care of Audrey, Alexandre and Charlie, also Michelle, for a couple of winter months, we decided to have a final glass of wine on the terrace, watch the sunset, hopefully see some bats at dusk. On my way through...
A summer without bees

A summer without bees

The summer is drawing to a close – the pools have been covered with their winter baches, heavy dark blue plastic sheets tied with elastic tethers to heavy pegs in their surrounding tiles.  The daily temperature has dropped.. There are still few bees – I...
Return of the Slugs

Return of the Slugs

At last the rains came!  They came at intervals, noisily, but little and to little effect. Except, of course, being unpredictable, many people and things got unexpectedly wet. Washing and drying cushions of thoroughly soaked outdoor furniture is no joke.   But, I...
Dust and heat – no insects

Dust and heat – no insects

The 15th of August, a pivotal date in the French holiday calendar, is well and truly past.  Most holiday visitors have returned home.  But the bees, wasps, hornets and Asian vespe-nasties do not seem to have returned.  There are few flies or moths.  No slugs. I have...
Slug fest!

Slug fest!

One of the most delightful happenings in country life is the ‘al fresco’ lunch or ‘dejeuner sur l’herbe’ normally served and eaten more or less dressed, both people and food. The whole requires a little planning, make sure there is enough wine and cold cuts plus best...
Fighting Greenery

Fighting Greenery

It is not just the wild animals of all sizes that fight for existence in our sheltered glade where humans are the proxies for domesticated animals.  Plants fight too.  The loser in a plant fight dies of strangulation or suffocation. Two of the most fearsome fighting...
Missing wasps, bees – and hornets

Missing wasps, bees – and hornets

It was only after several days of sitting happily on La Chaise main house terrace, sheltered by the vine and the wisteria, soothed by glasses of wine that I realised something was missing. Something important that was usually very, very present, that usually troubled...
Seen in the woodshed…

Seen in the woodshed…

Seen in the woodshed yesterday……! Actually, it is only a dried wood mushroom and small at...
Dog days in the Dordogne

Dog days in the Dordogne

On Monday 18th July I received a warning e-mail from St Aquilin Mairie – pre-alerte jaune canicule – which had been initiated by the Prefecture de la Dordogne.  The colour indicates the importance of the warning – rouge is the highest. Proudly I mentioned this to my...
Death in the valley

Death in the valley

An evil shadow has been spread over the tranquil fields of La Chaise.  Some errant dog, or dogs, have been stalking the flock in the early morning hours and killing lambs. The flock in early morning mist Apparently, according to a sympathetic, official passing expert,...