Toast on the range

Toast on the range

Just a glimpse of this winter’s stores Oh, joy!  It is time for toast on the range again!  The last fly of summer is dead, the fly-catcher strips are burnt and the range re-lit.  The temperatures may have dropped but the sun still shines – mostly.  Young...
A goat comes calling…

A goat comes calling…

An unexpected visitor this week – one impressive black and brown billy goat peacefully grazing in our fields.  How he got there, we do not know, nor do we know why he decided to come.  It is unlikely that he had any real reason for coming – he left home because he...

A rare visitor

There are many and various ways of guiding insects out of human dwellings when killing is not an option.  One can flap hands or flick dusters.  If dealing with a hornet or wasp, it is highly recommended to use a badminton bat or straw broom; either will catch the...
And…  the mushrooms are back!

And… the mushrooms are back!

A collective sigh of relief rose up in the Dordogne over the last ten days – the cèpes had come after all!  Prolonged cold, wet weather had worked on everyone’s spirits.  Doom mongers predicted that if no warm weather came soon, there would be no cèpes. ...