The kitten that walked in from the Woods

The kitten that walked in from the Woods

Two days ago a black kitten came to La Chaise, walked in off the road and said – in kitten speak – I think I shall live here.  That is:  it allowed itself to be picked up and stroked, made little near-purring noises, accepted some cat croquettes, even put up with...

A Bulgarian connection

The sun was making one of its many false attempts to get summer going so I sat in my favourite Perigueux cafe with white wine spritzer, pencil and newspaper open at the cross-word.  The car was parked under a tree in the official car-park.  The earliest of the...
Rain, rain – come again!

Rain, rain – come again!

As irony would have it, rain ceased in the Dordogne the day we arrived home from Spain.  And when I say ‘ceased’ I mean just stopped, went away, gradually became a distant memory.  Temperatures have soared, we are in the thirties centigrade.  Thunderstorms...
The long, wet road home

The long, wet road home

So a slow drive back from Spain, so hot (27 C), so sunny, towards La Chaise.  A farewell picnic at the Porta Catalana, the last pit stop before the Franco-Spanish border.  For once no roadworks round Perpignan!  Weather still hot and sunny. We knew we were heading...