Juggling with the unpredictable

Juggling with the unpredictable

There is nothing quite as stressful as juggling with the unpredictable.  This is what I have been doing for the last week and am likely to be doing for some to come.  The first, and most important, unpredictable event is the arrival date of the roof tiler.  Already he...
Spring blood to the head

Spring blood to the head

As spring settles in and humans start to relax, cease to believe in the unpredictability of the weather, non-human life starts to get excited.  The birds have become almost obnoxious.  Whilst their song is still delightful – if occasionally repetitive – their antics...

As April begins…

It is that time of year when the dawn chorus seems to last all day and only experts can parse the sound into its component parts. I no longer hear the screech of the owl that tears night from day, for I am still safe asleep in my dreamless dark as the sun rises and...